SpicePress是一个响应迅速且完全可定制的业务模板。它是创意和企业网站、餐厅、婚礼策划师、律师事务所、金融、咨询、旅游、摄影、食谱、设计、体育/医疗商店、初创公司、在线代理、投资组合、电子商务(WooCommerce)和自由职业者的完美解决方案。高级管理面板将使您能够在没有任何技术信息的情况下对SpicePress进行个性化设置。SpicePress已准备好翻译,并支持WPML、Polylang、WooCommerce和Contact Form 7等流行插件。此主题完全符合GDPR,不使用任何外部Google字体。所有字体都在本地托管。所有字体都是在本地托管的。还可以看看SpicePress PRO,高级版本,它提供了更多功能。
SpicePress is a responsive and fully customizable business template. It is a perfect solution for creative and corporate websites, restaurants, wedding planners, law firms, finance, consulting, travel, photography, recipes, design, sport/medical shops, startups, online agencies, portfolios, E-commerce (WooCommerce), and freelancers. The advanced admin panel will enable you to personalize SpicePress without any technical information. SpicePress is translation ready and supports popular plugins like WPML, Polylang, WooCommerce and Contact Form 7. This theme is fully GDPR-compliant and doesn’t use any external Google Fonts. All fonts are locally hosted. Check out also SpicePress PRO, the premium version, which has a lot more to offer.
定制 Logo, 定制菜单, 电子商务, 编辑器样式, 特色图片, 页脚小工具, 一列, 右侧边栏, 支持 RTL 语言, 置顶文章, 嵌套评论, 已翻译, 两列