We believe that every theme should facilitate creative writing, not hinder it. We also believe that each site should have the opportunity to be unique. Since the beginning, we have listened to countless suggestions and requests for features that really matter. Here’s a theme that’s user-friendly, feature-packed, and endlessly customisable, for both beginners and advanced creators. Feel at home with more than 40 languages and backed with active community support, where questions, ideas and suggestions are always welcomed. Now Gutenberg compatible.
定制背景, 定制颜色, 定制页眉, 定制菜单, 编辑器样式, 特色图片页眉, 特色图片, 全宽模板, 左侧边栏, 微格式, 一列, 文章格式, 右侧边栏, 支持 RTL 语言, 置顶文章, 主题选项, 嵌套评论, 三列, 已翻译, 两列原创文章,作者:admin,如若转载,请注明出处:https://wpextend.cn/692.html